



The Practice | Mark Scandrette

“Simplicity is choosing to leverage time, money, talents, and possessions toward what matters most.” —Mark Scandrette

After listening to Mark Scandrette’s story and teaching about simplicity, my vision of the kingdom of God grew deeper, broader, bigger, and more compelling. I guess it comes down to the fact that I was reminded that my purpose in life isn’t to consume and have what Mark would call “consumptive experiences.” Of course, I wouldn’t have described consumption as my purpose if you asked me, but am I alone in having been (mis)led into thinking and living as if it were? As Mark walked us through the Scriptures and Jesus’ words to his disciples, I found myself thinking, “Oh yeah. That’s right. He provides. He reigns. There is something other than consumption.”

A few things that stood out in Mark’s teaching:

  • The Scriptures he mentioned, which I will be living in this week. (Matthew 6:25-34, Matthew 13:18-23, Luke 12:13-21, Acts 2:42-47)

  • If we don’t arrest and interrogate our choices, consumption will end up driving them.

  • Jesus is inviting us into a life that is freer and lighter than any life we could or would create for ourselves.

  • Neither shame nor “should” is a healthy or helpful motivator.

  • His four questions: (1) What is the ultimate purpose of human existence? (2) Who am I (and what’s my 5-word purpose statement)? (3) What’s right in front of me? (4) What will matter in the end?

  • The short self-assessment Mark handed out was eye-opening and I am really looking forward to spending some time with that this week as well.

Finally, Mark’s three statements that he dared us each to believe:

  • You were made for a deeper purpose.

  • You have enough to be fully alive and to thrive.

  • You can make intentional choices to use what you have to do good.


The Practice | Jason Feffer

Sunday night, we continued our month engaging the spiritual practice of simplicity. I am more and more convinced this practice is essential in our journey of walking and working with Jesus. The life Jesus offers is a life of simplicity. On Sunday night, we learned about the practice, and we crafted an experiment in simplicity. We listened to how God might be inviting us to practice this important discipline. You can download a copy of the handout here.



Practicing the Way Archives | John Mark Comer


We are told that the good life is found in accumulation. That more is better. We search for the things that will make us happy, yet happiness never comes. Or at least, it doesn’t last. Searching and coming up empty can bring us to a miserable place. The way of Jesus calls us to create space—in our schedules, in our homes, in our finances—for what really matters. It calls us to life with Jesus, to abide in his goodness, and enjoy life to the full in the Kingdom of God. 

The following teachings are included in this series.

Click on the link below to learn more and to find additional practices and resources on simplicity.

Additional Resources


Joshua Becker

Becoming Minimalist is designed to inspire people to pursue their greatest passions by owning fewer possessions.

Becoming Minimalist quickly became a place to encourage others to embrace minimalism. It does not boldly require anyone to become minimalist overnight—nor does it specifically define the word for you. Instead, it encourages each reader to discover their own journey and the far-reaching benefits that come from owning less.

We are dedicated to rational minimalism and discovering what that uniquely means for us. And the more who are introduced to this life-changing message, the better! Because we’re all just trying to make the most of this journey called life.